Andréanne Foisy-Chrispin


Andréanne Foisy-Chrispin


Andréanne is part of the Insurance Law and Civil Litigation groups at the firm.

Prior to her legal studies, Ms. Foisy-Chrispin studied industrial relations and gained experience through three internships in the field.

During her law studies, Ms. Foisy-Chrispin was involved in various committees, including the Board of Directors of her student association. She also held a position at the Centre de justice de proximité de la Montérégie, where she had the opportunity to pass on various legal information to citizens concerning their rights, recourses and obligations.

Typical Mandates:

  • Management of litigation files.
  • Drafting legal proceedings and opinions.
  • Negotiation of dispute settlements.
  • Representation before the courts.
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Baccalauréat en relations industrielles (B.Sc.), Université de Montréal, 2020

Baccalauréat en droit (LL.B.), Université de Sherbrooke, 2023

Barreau du Québec, 2024

Professional Memberships & Affiliations

Membre de l’Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés.

Membre de l’Association des femmes d’assurance de Montréal (AFAM).