Anne Muter

Litigation Counsel

Anne Muter


Anne is a lawyer who works best at the intersection of overlapping disciplines. Her practice is focused on representing First Nation clients in regulatory and litigation matters. This includes working for First Nations before tribunals, such as the B.C. Utilities Commission or the Canada Energy Regulator. It also includes bringing judicial reviews and civil claims seeking to have the western court system abide by Treaty and Constitutional promises. Adjacent to the litigation work, Anne supports clients through regulatory processes relating to environmental assessment, oil & gas permitting and forestry permitting.

This litigation work draws upon a varied experience in commercial, employment, professional negligence and professional regulatory matters.

Anne also provides advice regarding water management, regulation, and governance to clients. This work builds on Anne’s science background and her graduate level research on the water regulatory regime in British Columbia. In this governance work Anne seeks to support First Nations implement and enforce Indigenous legal orders and laws.

Outside of the office, Anne tries to spend as much time as possible near a lake, river, or ocean, playing in the outdoors. She is lucky to have two young kids to adventure with and sometimes even lucky enough to get to finish her coffee before running after them.


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B.Sc. University of British Columbia, 2004

LL.B. University of Victoria, 2008

M.Sc. University of Oxford, 2014

Professional Memberships & Affiliations

Called to the British Columbia Bar in 2009