Nicholas Hébert-Gauthier

Nicholas Hébert-Gauthier
Office Montréal
- Phone 514 876-6340
- Fax 514.221.3706
- [email protected]
Legal Administrative Assistant
Clémence Dion
514 876-6320
[email protected]
Nicholas Hébert-Gauthier joined the firm’s Insurance and Civil Litigation Law group in 2022.
His intellectual curiosity coupled with his ingenuity will assure clients that they are being provided with the legal assistance and guidance they require.
Mtre Hébert-Gauthier forged relationships with our clients during his articling period for the École du Barreau, which he completed at the firm. He assists and supports colleagues in a wide range of cases, including representing clients before the courts.
Typical Mandates
- Managing litigation files.
- Drafting legal proceedings and legal opinion.
- Negotiatiing litigation settlements.
- Appearing before the courts.
- French
- English
Barreau du Québec
Master’s Degree in Life Sciences and Law
Université de Sherbrooke
Bachelor’s Degree in Life Science and Law
Université de Sherbrooke
Professional Memberships & Affiliations
Member of the Executive Committee, Administrative Law Section and Constitutional and Human Rights Section, Canadian Bar Association–Québec Division.
Chaîné, Yves, with the collaboration of Hébert-Gauthier, Nicholas Compétence de la municipalité régionale de comté , in JurisClasseur Québec, coll. Droit municipal, fasc. 9, Montréal, LexisNexis Canada, updated in 2022 (Lad/QL).
Hébert-Gauthier, Nicholas, under the supervision of Marie-Eve Couture Ménard and Nancy Dumais, Déclarer l’état d’urgence pendant une crise sanitaire : les critères légaux sont-ils suffisants pour éviter une dérive politique ?, Master’s thesis, Sherbrooke, Science Faculty, Université de Sherbrooke, 2021.
Altarbouch, Luna, Hébert-Gauthier,, Nicholas and Bourassa Forcier, Mélanie, Don d’organes au Québec – Étude comparée des bonnes pratiques, Sherbrooke, Université de Sherbrooke, 2021.