Whitelaw Twining termed the 3rd highest fundraiser for the Covenant House Sleep Out

The WT team just successfully completed our Sleep Out for Covenant House Vancouver. The annual sleep out raises funds and awareness for youth experiencing homelessness. On February 25, 2021, eight of our members gave up their beds to sleep outside for one night. We wanted to say a HUGE thank you to the members of our firm for helping us raise $11,035 – allotting WT as the 3rd highest fundraiser for the event!

Overall, Covenant House raised $230,000, which will be put to work immediately, keeping the lights on and the doors open at Covenant House Vancouver for the 1,100 young people who will seek help this year.   Although the team may have been a little cold and uncomfortable during the sleep out, their hearts were warm from everyone’s generosity!

The team had opportunity to hear presentations from Covenant House staff and youth as part of the virtual connections for Sleep Out; their inspiring stories along with this fundraiser is truly what has kept this vital work going during the pandemic. Resulting in a big success for this cause.

We are so proud to continue to help keep homeless youth safe and we look forward to being part of it again next year.