WT is proud to announce we were one of the top 5 fundraisers at the Access Pro Bono Advice-a-thon!

Whitelaw Twining has been an avid participant in the Access Pro Bono Advice-a-thon. This year we are proud to announce we were one of the top 5 fundraisers at the event and had one of the largest team of volunteers with a total of 13 lawyers!

The Access Pro Bono Advice-a-thon provides free legal advice for low to modest income British Columbians in need. The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted significant trauma on low-income and marginalized British Columbians over the past two years and many people in our communities continue to experience financial strain, housing insecurity, unemployment, and other hardships. This fundraiser allows APB to continue providing legal services to those in need.

A big thank you to the very generous donations made from within the firm and beyond!