WT proudly supports 10×10 Philanthropy – empowering the next generation of giving

Whitelaw Twining is proud to be sponsoring 10×10 Philanthropy. 10×10 is a worldwide movement aiming to empower the next generation of giving. They have successfully build a community of likeminded young individuals who are inspired to come together to support innovative grassroots charities in a fun and engaging way.

Three local grassroots charities that are creating new solutions to complex social problems pitch to the audience for five minutes. This is followed by five minutes of grilling from a well-known “Dragon for Good” (modelling the famous TV show Dragon’s Den), and then five minutes of questions from the audience. The audience then chooses where to allocate their funds based on which pitch resonates the most with them.

The 10×10 experience ignites a passion for philanthropy and this translates to a whole new generation of people giving more from a young age. What’s not to love about that! Whitelaw Twining is excited to sponsor the upcoming 10×10 event in Vancouver on December 5, 2018. The three charities set to compete are :

Yo Bro, Yo Girl Youth Initiative
Fresh Roots
Learning Buddies