Health & Disability

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Our Health and Disability Group has decades of experience successfully defending personal injury, bodily injury and negligence claims brought against healthcare professionals. We use creative strategies to get the best results for our clients. We work with life and disability insurance companies, hospitals, nurses, private surgical facilities, pharmacies, dental offices, medical device manufacturers, extended care facilities, and community and home support agencies.

We understand that this area puts individuals’ and organizations’ reputations at stake. Our specialized team gives clients the support, defence and expertise they need to navigate claims as they arise.


  • Advising life, disability and accident and health insurers on their coverage obligations
  • Defending life, disability and accident and health insurers in coverage litigation
  • Advising individuals, facilities and insurers in the healthcare industry on risk management procedures to minimize claims
  • Defending claims against individuals and health-related facilities, including personal injury claims, professional negligence claims, wrongful dismissal claims, and human rights complaints

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