Bodily Injury

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Bodily injury claims often involve emotionally charged plaintiffs. We provide our clients with clear-cut solutions to empower them in these challenging cases. When we defend bodily injury claims on behalf of insurance groups, we give them our comprehensive assessments early on in the litigation process to prepare them for every stage of the case. We present clients with the fairest, quickest and most cost-effective course of action—whether that means going to trial or securing a settlement.

Our lawyers are active in professional associations including the Canadian Defence Lawyers, the Canadian Bar Association, Insurance Law Section, and the Medical Legal Society of British Columbia. We are up-to-date on all new legislation, important case law in the defence of bodily injury claims, and medical developments in the diagnosis and treatment of all physical and psychological injuries. We also have regular in-house seminars to discuss the implications of new legislation and important case law in the defence of bodily injury claims.


  • Defending bodily injury claims due to unforeseen events including motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls, commercial and liquor host accidents, product liability accidents, medical negligence and occupiers liability accidents
  • Assessing liability and risks
  • Assessing potential damages under heads of damage, both pecuniary and non-pecuniary
  • Formulating creative, efficient and cost effective defences
  • Identifying and instructing various experts in the field of bodily injury
  • Handling a wide range of injury claims, including: soft tissue injuries, orthopaedic injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndrome, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, quadriplegia, post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychiatric injuries, dental injuries such as temporal mandibular joint dysfunction




We represent clients who have suffered an ongoing injury because of an accident. We look for creative solutions and find a fair result that really works.

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